Bryon Drown
Bryon Drown joined Purdue Chemistry in 2022 as an Assistant Professor.
He attended Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) where he received his B.S. in Chemistry in...
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The Drown Research Group is a interdisciplinary team of scientists tackling challenging problems facing human health and disease. At the center of our work is a belief in the proteoform hypothesis: that proteoforms are more tightly linked to phenotype than any other biomolecule and therefore represent the richest source of discovery.
Students in the Drown lab will learn cutting edge chemical biology techniques and be prepared for modern drug discovery. If you are interested in joining the Drown Research Group, contact Prof. Drown.
Bryon Drown joined Purdue Chemistry in 2022 as an Assistant Professor.
He attended Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) where he received his B.S. in Chemistry in...
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Miranda is a graduate of Julia Laskin’s lab (Purdue University) where she conducted research with the nanoDESI mass spectrometry imaging platform. Miranda is currently studying...
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Gustavo joined Purdue University in 2022 as an Analytical Chemistry graduate student. He attended the University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX) where he received his...
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Teagan joined Purdue University in 2022 as an Analytical Chemistry graduate student. She came to Purdue after completing her undergraduate degree in chemistry at King’s...
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Debapriya joined Purdue’s Chemistry Department in 2023 after getting a Master’s degree in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. In the Drown Lab, he...
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Izzy came to Purdue University in 2023 to pursue her PhD in Analytical Chemistry. Her alma mater is Missouri S&T (Rolla, MO), where she received...
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Ali joined Purdue in 2024 as an Analytical Chemistry graduate student. He attended the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, ON, Canada) where he received his undergraduate...
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Kithmadie joined Purdue Chemistry in Fall 2024. She earned her BSc in Chemistry from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Outside of work, she loves...
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Maria joined Purdue University in 2024 after earning her Master’s in Chemistry from the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) Bhubaneswar, India. Outside...
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I am a Chemical Biology major on a pre-dental track at Purdue. In my free time I love to be outdoors or playing piano!
Zach is a Chemical Biology major focused on performing the chemical synthesis of small-molecule probes to be used in chemical proteomics experiments.
Sara joined the Purdue’s interdisciplinary life sciences graduate program (PULSe) in Fall 2022. Sara graduated with a Master’s degree in Chemistry in August 2024.
Amy is a Chemical Biology major focused on performing the chemical synthesis of small-molecule probes to be used in chemical proteomics experiments. Amy is currently...
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Anju is a Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology major focused on characterizing proteoforms that bear multiple post-translational modifications. She is currently a graduate student at...
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Kyle is a Chemistry major focused on performing the chemical synthesis of small-molecule probes to be used in chemical proteomics experiments. Kyle currently works in...
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Mark is a Biochemistry major focused on PTM-target top-down proteomics in B-cell lymphoma. Mark enjoys reading and unicycling in his free time. Mark is currently...
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